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Writer's picturepetitemauritian

20 Self Love Tips...

In our busy day to day lives, or even if we are feeling a little lost, we live in a world that feels hectic. Almost like we are available 24/7. There are so many distractions and noises. When sometimes all we want is to hear the breeze and the birds chirp a little. Or maybe just complete silence for a moment! We have all become a little overstimulated. And it’s so much easier to feel burnt out.

On my self love journey, I have learned a few ways to take care of myself.

How do we switch off? You want to know my secrets? No messing about, let’s get right to it!


1. Write down 3 things you're grateful for each day. This can help to reach a positive mindset.

2. Put your phone on silent for a few hours and leave it out of your sight

3. Go for a nice, long walk in an area you love

4. Cook yourself a loving meal with your favourite music playing in the background

5. Listen to guided meditation or high vibration music

6. Catch up on sleep

7. Run yourself a bubble bath and light some candles

8. Exfoliate your skin and use a luxurious body lotion

9. Go for a facial or massage

10. Take yourself out on a date

11. Declutter your room and tidy it regularly

12. Stay in touch with good friends and family that you have healthy relationships with

13. Say no and don’t feel guilty

14. Set boundaries – work life and personal life

15. Work out, get your body releasing those feel-good endorphins!

16. Practice positive self-talk

17. Engage in a new creative activity

18. Write down all your accomplishments to remember all the good you have achieved. That imposter syndrome can really take over at times!

19. Change your bed sheets regularly, don’t forget to use your favourite softener!

20. Forgive yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. Trying to get all your tasks done and look after yourself, it’s not always so easy. But in time, being consistent will get you there.


I can’t stress enough the importance of looking after yourself.

If you don’t look after yourself, how do you have anything left in the tank for anyone else?

Think about the oxygen masks in planes. Right at the beginning of your flight you’re given the flight safety briefing where they tell you if the oxygen masks are needed, put your own mask on first before you help anyone else to put theirs on. When you think about it, you can apply this to our lives. Because if we help someone else with their mask first, what happens if we can’t put our own on and the person we’re helping is still struggling?

You need to be in a good mindset, be well rested and fed before you can take on the world.

So look after you!


© 2022 Petite Mauritian


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